Thanks to your Neighbor Phone Alert System we received a call about our cat "hanging out" near a bird feeder in the neighborhood we didn't expect him to wander off to. We strongly believe your service is priceless and we encourage everyone to use it as soon as one realizes the pet is missing! I wish I did that the minute Pepe went missing. We might have found him even sooner. I sincerely hope I will never have to use it again, but if so I will do it in a heartbeat and will recommend it to any friends in need. Many thanks!!!
Olaf Borkiewicz | Phone: 1-(630) 362-0555
Cat Named Pepe Found with Phone Alert in Naperville, IL 60563
One of the amber alert voice mail messages went to the secretary at the school across the street. The secretary called me to find out details, then called her friend, the teacher at the school who found Ella and took her home. The teacher then called me to arrange pickup.
Michelle Morris | Phone: 1-(703) 624-4349
Dog Named Ella Found with Phone Alert in Bowie, MD 20720