This service was very helpful and very fast. I was very satisfied with the quick response. The phone calls to all the neighbors really helped; I never would have been able to do that on my own. I recommend to everyone that has lost a pet; don't waste any time.
Vanessa Dattner | Phone: 1-(210) 459-8236
Dog Named Cellie Found with Phone Alert in San Antonio, TX 78227
A neighbor heard the phone Amber Alert and called me. He had Arti taken by Animal Control. We were able to get him immediately. I cannot thank your organization enough. I can now sleep at night knowing my pet is safe and secure. Thank you so much. A neighbor heard the phone Amber Alert and called me. He had Arti taken by Animal Control. We were able to get him immediately. I cannot thank your organization enough. I can now sleep at night knowing my pet is safe and secure. Thank you so much.
Helen Sutton | Phone: 1-(303) 475-8128
Cat Named Artichoke Found with Phone Alert in Denver, CO 80206