Hailey the dachshund/chihuahua mix survived in the woods for more than two weeks.
The owners of a small dog that survived alone in the woods for more than two weeks are calling it a miracle.
Hailey, a four-year-old dachshund-chihuahua mix, got lost after she escaped from the truck during a stop near Smiths Ferry Sept. 12. Alyssa Talbert says her family searched for the pet, but eventually had to return home without her.
At first, the outlook for 17-pound Hailey looked grim.
“The first night, people were saying there’s a lot of coyotes out,” Talbert said. “It’s just hard to hear things like that.”
But Talbert and her mother and stepfather Stephanie and Shaun Bevan kept looking, returning to the spot where Hailey disappeared to set out food and call her name.
“It was kind of a rollercoaster: You’d go up there thinking you might find her that day, and you’d come back devastated,” Talbert said.
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